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tv   Documentary  RT  December 2, 2013 9:29am-10:01am EST

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public into a constitutional republic and all of a sudden you find yourself holding practically absolute power. were you expecting something this huge. amount of frankly i never expected it to happen. however life is a strange thing and it's full of surprises to me office or position does not imply a luxury neither is it a matter of honor fame once position implies a responsibility more than anything else it is the duty i have assumed before my country and my people and it is the responsibility i have before mr biggs in it when he severely who has put his trust in me and in trusted me with the fate of our country i'm extremely mart of ated i moderated to do it quality job in every way no matter what i do and most importantly i moderated to be honest to my people and my country we should live in
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a way that we are never ashamed to look back at him with this is my guiding principle this is the principle that has guided me throughout my whole life. nobody doubts your sense of responsibility but do you have enough experience to govern the country with your thirty one the youngest prime minister in the world as of today your minister of interior affairs is twenty eight and in general your cabinet of ministers is very young and since you brought up the mystery of really who is the richest man in georgia and also your mentor critics say that he will be governing the country behind the scenes not you i understand this skepticism has always been there you know was there when i was appointed ministerial interior i was thirty at the time the ministry was in the amount of bullshit when i took over the system was taught to leave politicized and i am prone to point out that we put the ministry back on its feet that. and trust in the police has doubled in the past year the
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level of trust in the police is eighty six to eighty seven percent while it used to be way down before mr venice really always gave me and i served as minister of interior for a year so that gave me enough freedom i was always free to make my own decisions i mean as for the skeptics who believe he will be running the show behind the scenes i will never feel embarrassed to say what i'm about to say i have said it before and i will say again that mr ivanishvili is my role model and i will always follow his example with him i will always accept advice from him especially since i know that this man gives only useful and beneficial recumbent patients to he's people if we have to listen to for him or a logical expert's critiques from the opposition why can't we listen to someone who made a difference of this magnitude in our country when he freed our country and society
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from a monstrous series sheena that is the national movement regime just does not make any sense to me and if we claim to be pragmatic and efficient then why not listen this is my answer and i am being totally honest with you since you mentioned the opposition there are many things that happened for the first time in georgia in the past eighteen months the first democratic election in the history of modern georgia peaceful transfer of power and it is for the first time that an actual opposition is present in the parliament having a real opposition force in a parliament and a position that dislikes you so much and will oppose you in many ways is it a good thing or a bad thing for the country. and i think if we look at this issue in terms of politics we can call them an opposition force of course but i would say that there are very hard to understand engine. that there are more often opposition to
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themselves they are opposing their own people their own citizens and their own country in other words they're not doing anything new in reality so you do not view them as healthy competition it's very difficult to maintain a healthy competition with. there's no such thing as healthy criticism from them with a i'm not sure they understand what the word healthy means in the first place with neither do they know what the word objective stands for that will be little but i want to remind everyone and i know that large bore uses are listening to us now i would like to remind everyone that these people have been offering their citizens that it is driven type of democracy it was just a facade democracy it was all facade i have looked into every field name one field where they have not implemented façade changes façade reforms these
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people have prosecuted three thousand people to me it's disastrous three hundred thousand of their fellow citizens in nine years you. it was a very ambiguous regime if you're interested in my take on the issue of i can't accept all this quietly and without emotions moreover i can't accept calmly criticism from them their sabotage and moral lecturing this is cynicism at its worse. this is my take on today's opposition of course by the opposition i mean the national movement that is the parliamentary minority in the past ten years georgia has been positioned abroad as a country that has undergone substantial changes even president saakashvili fiercest critics admit that certain modernization processes have been successfully implemented in georgia now not only members of your opposition but also foreign
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investors say that georgia is backsliding that its economy is worsening and that investors are no longer eager to enter georgia some even fear that the country is on its way back to the one nine hundred ninety s. . i totally disagree about economic down slightly let me remind you that economic downslide if we can refer to it as downslide started as early as two thousand and twelve that is under the previous government vest amount of external debt has been accumulated during their period in power. even this year we had to cover a significant amounts as part of the countries an external debt with the same is true of next year will have to pay about eight hundred million and who is soon the six journal debt. to cover of the dead assumed by the previous government this is one example a lot of mean you know when our party won the election but president saakashvili
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was still in power he openly stated both at home and abroad that a horrible government had a comment to power and that this new monster is government that this destructive force would bury the country this is what me really said and they kept doing it all year. in light of all this it is very difficult to convince the investor that you can guarantee stability and it is a well known fact that in this toure's are the best scouts in the world and they're very sensitive to stability that they can measure stability with you need for a solution they know exactly when it is in the bicycle to invest in one or another country. this is what happened in reality nothing else nothing special at least in our economy has been through much tougher periods under the previous government and yet no one talked about it. during this could be taishan period many of sackets
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release colleagues members of this cabinet where apprehended and interrogated at this point present secretary himself face out of the country when and if he returns will he question two. with you but i can say with all assuredness. as to the arrests one investigation agencies have actual substantial evidence proving that someone that you know if he or she is a senior official such as former minister of interior and the former prime minister of and on merabishvili whom we arrested as well as some former ministers and former high ranking officials. i have said this on many occasions and i would like to read to write that northeast or position guarantees immunity. let's take my position for one which is very high you know that if i commit a crime and five or ten years from now a new government comes into power and this new government finds out and proves that
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i have committed a crime ah should be held liable. we don't enjoy munity that's for a question of whether or not interrogating agencies will have questions to president saakashvili if there are any questions raised during the process the investigation of course suck us relieve the former president will be questioned again i repeat there is nothing special about it i thought it presents a had a very concrete foreign policy agenda he wanted a session to nato and the european union he constantly quarreled with russia which ultimately led to war how does your foreign policy differ from that of your predecessor. who are due to go to board has for the main priorities of our foreign policy to remain the same because we made it clear and i would like to reiterate that european integration and nato are the main directions so our foreign policy
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think it will these aspirations of ours are supported and nourished by the we will our people who want to see georgia become a full fledged member of the european union the nato. and you probably know that over seventy percent of our citizens support georgia's accession to the european union and nato the european union is not some kind of political whim you know let me explain why necessarily that the european union with them that if we'll look at the history of georgia will see that our ancestors in our country have always longed for and had aspirations in relation to europe and european civilization this is not something we have devised gotten down thus we continue what our ancestors started we are truly truck did by european values to do what with as who are other political aspects the european union implies a number of advantages which will open its market and make it available for georgia
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in production. and i believe it should make one proud to see products labeled made in georgia and european markets this implies gaining at foothold in the different market just for political aspects we're talking about safety security mobility to and from the european union zone all this will have an impact on the welfare of our citizens. as a break now and when we come back we'll talk to georgia's new prime minister. about doing this a session to nato and georgia going to sochi olympics in two thousand and fourteen stay with us.
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i was thinking somehow i have to come back because mom was waiting for me. i just knew that everything would be fine for some reason they were so confident because we were going to get married officially after he came back. the mere thought of it never crossed my mind. when the militants decided to try and break through the. screaming grenade. explosion blew his back toward. and it was all over all she. we know that our comrades on our commander leave us no matter how tough it gets we're a team and. you're getting was a senior in his military trio. he knew that if he didn't smother that grenade with
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his body more of his comrades would die he gave his own life to save his friends. it was a terrible fate and very hard to take out. once again on here because a lot had never had sex with that her hair nobody's. going to watch. christmas wish list.
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which. which. women. of. the fact that. they were going to do the job did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and oppressed several we've been hijacked trying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what are probably harder ones we'll just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem the truck
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rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing are not defined ready to join the movement then walk away from the big picture. welcome back to the show we're talking to george's new prime minister eat at the inside of us really here in d.c. capital of georgia. you know he wrote while he lived in france you hold a master's from sullivan the e.u. is not just a blue flag with stars but it's also europe in crisis and numerous questions bureaucrats. contacts are mainly dictated wrestles and everything starting from agriculture to immigration policies are decided there small members are really
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asked their opinion or taken into account who decides and political and economic advantages. well that's an interesting question however i would like to underline one point we are well aware of all those difficult is that will have to face and overcome heart over georgia does not have a better choice europe is the only right way without the there is nothing better than your you may know something better if so please let me know in europe european culture this is our historical choice and i understand the high level of bureaucracy and i understand that the decision making process is more complicated dear yet there is more safety there are more benefits that this is why we spar to join europe. so you say that georgia shares the european values so you think that georgia is psychologically ready for instance i'm thinking last year is
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anti-gay protest bashing george you're ready to be tolerant like europe. i don't need a gun with those with well i didn't say that we're ready today what i'm saying is that we must develop incrementally step by step i see we're not here in the european union knows this better than anyone else we have many tests to pass if a student does not do his or her homework he or she will flunk that this is why there are grades in school. i can't say in what grade we are now what i can still use that we are moving in the right direction but all i can say is that it takes consistency i often use this wording because this is exactly what we need if nato membership is as important then this precludes good relations with russia russia has said on many occasions that it is against nato eastward expansion towards its borders and we're not talking about e.u.
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membership here this is something that threatens russia's national security how do you intend to solve this conflict of interests. if you don't know that then our position concerning need to remains the same goal we have confirmed it to more than once and i will confirm and once again georgia is spars to become a nato member state. as for your question how we can match and harmonize those interests it's a tough question unfortunately we have failed so forth to achieve tangible improvements in relations with russia. but as you know for years one of the main claims of the russian government has been the inability to copulate with the previous government and the government. really if you remember the previous government sarratt story which was absolutely unacceptable and full of hate speech which we changed this rhetoric you know we started to reset and improve our relations with russia. we have spoken about this issue many times that you
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may know that we publicly expressed our willingness and we do conduct direct dialogue with within this format by a lateral meetings are held between the prime minister's personal representative and grigori. you probably know that the pro cis of successful improvement over what i call technical relations is well under way meaning improvements in trade relations as you know the ban on georgian wines and mineral waters and other georgian products has been lifted you know all this is of course helpful and serves the purpose of building trust between the georgian and the russian peoples that with it since we came into power our european and american partners have that constantly urged us to regulate our relations with russia this has been their main appeal. and serves our interests as well. with russia's our neighbor and
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a warm relations between the georgians and the russians have always been in place with the baby and we the georgians remember these are relations that have been and still are between us. you know that up to a million georgians live in russia we fully realize that and in light of all this with a process ease along the occupation line seem in comprehensible to us. sure it's understandable that relations must be reset but how exactly will you accomplish this task if you become a nato member i repeat that we're not talking about e.u. membership which russia may or may not like russia openly states that if nato expense near its borders it will do everything in its power to prevent it the russians point out that it will threaten their national security. yes but we must succeed in convincing were sure that georgia can't possibly pose
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a threat the fact that we aspired to join european union and nato does not imply a threat against russia that this is this is our task. i understand that it will be difficult time with an audio but this is why dialogue is necessary this is why actual negotiations are necessary that you and i would like to see if you words about the conflicts bodies conflicts must be resolved. otherwise it will be very difficult to hold effective talks with russia this is a very painful issue for us. do you think that russia is ready for a serious political dialogue. i don't know and this is exactly why our government expresses its willingness to have dialogue with russia you know get them we have already taken that step with a view to researching and regulating our relations with you in my opinion i truly
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believe that it is a heavy burden to have recognized a policy and seen vali as independent states. and if as i hope and i'm quite optimistic about this issue if the russian government decides one day to reset relations with georgia by means of peaceful conflict resolution it will be the best case scenario let me remind you that under the previous government that's when it was absolutely unacceptable for russia to engage in any type of dialogue with the previous government and it was openly stated that they would never speak with south of civility in them and with these procedures did not occur i mean the barbwire process it was not as intensive them and now when a new government has come into power now when we have actually changed our rhetoric now when there is actual willingness to reset our relations and create
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a means of direct dialogue it is in comprehensible why they continue this border and pros installing barbed wires so intensively. so we do have a number of questions. you've mentioned the barbed wires why are you so to mystics and in a recent interview allegedly putin said that none of it would have happened had it not been for president saakashvili decision to enter tskhinvali but since that happened he believes this process has been completed and is irreversible russia recognize that applies in south us that as independent states will. u.a. yes but the same president putin made a statement about the necessity to build trust between the russians and the georgians and that this process must be expedited. this border as ation process impedes the process of confidence building that is truly in comprehensible to us
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and our government much of the one hand we honestly want to restore trust among our nations bend on the other hand there is this border is ation process which creates a great deal of discomfort with the instances of temporary incarceration of people or intensifying with several houses wound up on the other side of the dividing line . our population is very concerned about all this. i mean we have all made mistakes with let's admit that we have all made mistakes in the early ninety's for example with you there is no way only one side can be spotless and unblemished the. but we take it close to heart we are heard are a posse and a city and brother is no longer lived with us somehow i believe in i feel that sooner or later that the posse is in the city and will be compelled to live with
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us and i certainly hope that this dream to will come true to be spoken to many a pleasant and a sessions and most of them say who could exist with anyone but the georgians say it's fifty years have passed the new generation has grown that doesn't remember georgia and doesn't understand why it should be a part of georgia what would you tell those who'd rather be with anyone else but georgians their radical if they were aware at any given time for the radicals may exist in georgia as well as in a posse or it seen molly but i'm talking about reasonable people who think rationally about the future of their children and their own future in general. i'm not talking about those holding radical views on the judgments. in their statement that they don't see themselves co-exist with the georgians seems in comprehensible to me you have to try really hard to come to dislike coexistence with someone who
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is your ring to co-exist with you and haw for you to restore the brotherly relations you once had. most importantly though russia must come to believe that we pose no threat that we cannot possibly pose a threat that we have already proved in the past year that we are not successors to the grass have been ready kl policy pursued by the previous government in relation to russia. and once again nearly all the countries of the world are trying to maintain normal relations with russia why should our relations with russia be tense and messy it makes no sense whatsoever. the sochi olympic games are very hotly debated topic in georgia some believe that georgia must boycott the games well i there's things that it should not what is official position of georgia at this point is georgia participating in the olympics. thing it is
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a game we had discussions on this issue of whether or not you were to should participate in the olympics and the government made a decision that georgia will participate in such olympics there's a decision was made by us in cooperation with the olympic committee of course so our athletes will participate in the saudi olympic games will you be there to root for your athletes no no government delegation will be present and saatchi but our athletes and senior officials of the national olympic committee will surely be there though. mr prime minister thank you very much for this interview thank you i hope i was frank and i think we covered everything.
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what is the fate of the house of saud its list of complaints against washington is long and getting longer the saudis are furious over western dealings with iran disappointed that obama didn't bomb syria and one of its only real friends in the region is israel given all of this can the house of saud afford what it calls an independent one paul. or is probably the most complex human to. serve. in the phenomenon of friendly fire probably extends back to the invention of gunpowder. kill a bunch of people in their belief don't know if they're on their premises there are a us people. reading. this some of
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them shoots my brother in the leg not intentional because it is because it was night times four in the morning even the best even the best shoulders. are going to make mistakes this is this whole idea of brotherhood an author. and in this sense it was in this context that has absolutely no place. this is the place that has been consecrated to god for almost a thousand of years people dream here twenty some years ago to stablish. on the silence. and people feel the love of christ all working. people say. something
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happens on this island that makes them return to it again and again. join me james brown on a journey for the soul. only. secret laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only. choose your language. because we know if. someone. chooses to use the consensus you can. choose to get the news that you think rate to . choose the stories that imply life choose the access to.
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ukraine witnesses its largest protestant almost a decade hundreds are injured and government buildings are assaulted and both sides accuse a trauma patients also. of gathering here at the sound of the marvels of the left unity party hoping the creation of this in the party will give a voice to those who feel on the breakers and in the by the current government and british leftists return to the grassroots in a challenge to world bank hold i want to establish that has sold out on the country is what i think was ideal. and the problem lots addiction to a single drug in gallon is being blamed on a nationwide shortage of drinking water.


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